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Stephen Murphy, PhD, MPH, MBA



Dr. Stephen Murphy boasts immense experience implementing disaster management and emergency preparedness programs in local, state, and federal jurisdictions. Throughout his career he has developed operational responses for nearly every manner of emergency — from potential Ebola outbreaks and hurricane evacuations to oil spill cleanup and security for the Super Bowl. Dr. Murphy’s extensive experience has earned him recognition across the state of Louisiana and beyond, having served as the planning section chief for the New Orleans Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness and delivering numerous presentations at national emergency preparedness conferences. As an academic, Dr. Murphy’s research focuses on personal- and organizational-level disaster resilience strategies, particularly examining the impact of chemical and non-chemical stressors on communities facing potential threats.

PhD, Tulane University

MPH, Tulane University

MBA, Mercer University

BA, University of Georgia

Murphy SA, Jani DJ, Kallmyer MA. Development of a Public-Private Resiliency Partnership to Ensure Timely Emergency Prophylaxis of a Dynamic Urban Population: The New Orleans CRI/SNS Framework. 142nd APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition. 2014 November; New Orleans, LA, USA.

Murphy SA, Lichtveld M. Examining the influence of professional emergency management coordinators driving preparedness and resilience on university campuses. J Emerg Manag. 2018 Mar/Apr;16(2):126-130. doi: 10.5055/jem.2018.0361. PubMed PMID: 29791006.

Murphy SA, Brown J, Shankar A, Lichtveld M. A quantitative assessment of IHE disaster preparedness and resilience. Journal of emergency management (Weston, Mass.). Forthcoming.

2017: Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research and Presentation for a Doctoral Student; Tulane Health Sciences

2011-2014: Advisory Board – Louisiana’s HHS Hospital Preparedness Program

2011-2014: Advisory Board – Louisiana’s CDC Senior Advisory Committee